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Sunday 8 July 2012


1) Though weighing only 11 ounces on average, a healthy heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels each day.
2) The volume of blood pumped by the heart can vary over a wide range, from five to 30 liters per minute
3) Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back.
4) Because the heart has its own electrical impulse, it can continue to beat even when separated from the body, as long as it has an adequate supply of oxygen.
5) The heart pumps blood to almost all of the body’s 75 trillion cells. Only the corneas receive no blood supply
6) During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly 1.5 million gallons of blood—enough to fill 200 train tank cars.
7) The heart begins beating at four weeks after conception and does not stop until death
8) Early Egyptians believed that the heart and other major organs had wills of their own and would move around inside the body.
9) Prolonged lack of sleep can cause irregular jumping heartbeats called premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).
10)Cocaine affects the heart’s electrical activity and causes spasm of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, even in healthy people.
11)The “thump-thump” of a heartbeat is the sound made by the four valves of the heart closing.
12) A man’s heart weighs about 10 ounces, while a woman’s heart weighs approximately 8 ounces.      
13)You’re more likely to have a heart attack on Monday morning than at any other time of the week.
14) Health experts now have proof that laughter is good medicine.

Saturday 7 July 2012


1) We can control our dreams

In what is known as a "Lucid dreaming" phase one can control their dreams. Thus, one can also manipulate their dreams and even the outcomes! Another interesting fact is that one dreams things one has witnessed some time before in their life.
We can control our dreams

2) Dreams can cause incorporation

How often have we dreamt we were hungry or thirsty or performing an act repeatedly in our sleep until we wake up and undertake the activity? Sometimes one could dream of drinking glasses of water only to wake up and be very thirsty! 

Dreams can cause incorporation

3)  Dreams speak in indirect language

Dreams never utilize symbols they actually stand for. A lot of research has already gone into the subject and books have been written on dream symbols and their interpretations. Dreams carry deep meanings that only the subconscious mind can understand. 

Dreams speak in indirect language

4) Dreams are very difficult to remember

Often when we wake up we fail to remember even a single sequence of the dream we had during the night. A strange fact remains therefore, that dreams are almost always forgotten, except if a person is woken up at the REM stage. 

Dreams are very difficult to remember

5) Some people only dream in black and white

Some people dream only in black and white while about 70% of people dream in colors. Certain dreams are very common to some people such as, failing an exam, getting up late for the exam, dreams related to one's school, seeing a person dead who is alive in real life, being chased by someone etc. Studies are being conducted in the relevance of colors and repeated sequences in dreams. 

Some people only dream in black and white


6)  Disturbed sleep may lead to psychosis

Sleeping and dreaming which occur in the REM stage are very important forhealthy living. In a research conducted involving students who were woken up at the start of their REM stage, it was noted the students became irritable, hallucinated a lot, were affected by psychosis and were finally disinterested in everything they did. Thus a good night's sleep combined with regular dreaming is our body's way of staying fit too! 

Disturbed sleep may lead to psychosis

7) Visually impaired people dream too

Very interestingly, people who are born blind only witness dreams involving smell, sound or touch, while people who go blind after birth are seen to witness regular dreams just like their counterparts with vision. 

Visually impaired people dream too

8) Animals Dream

Studies have revealed animals and more specifically mammals dream exactly the way humans do! So even your household pet may be dreaming all night without your knowing about it.

And so do animals

9)Children have more nightmares than adults

It is widely studied that children have more nightmares than adults.

Children have more nightmares than adults

10) Some great inventions were first conceived during sleep

Although we tend to forget about 90% of our dreams once we wake up, many great scientists have made discoveries in their dreams and written them down the moment they woke up. Newton, Graham Bell and even some poets have received their inspirations from dreams. 

Some great inventions were first conceived during sleep











Thursday 5 July 2012

Real-life Superheroes: People with Extra Ordinary Abilities

Boy With The Incredible Brain (Daniel Tammet)

Daniel Paul Tammet is a British high-functioning autistic savant gifted with a facility for mathematical calculations, sequence memory, and natural language learning. He was born with congenital childhood epilepsy. In his mind, he says, each number up to 10,000 has its own unique shape and feel, that he can "see" results of calculations as landscapes, and that he can "sense" whether a number is prime or composite. He has described his visual image of 289 as particularly ugly, 333 as particularly attractive, and pi as beautiful. Tammet holds the European record for memorising and recounting pi to 22,514 digits in just over five hours. He also speaks a variety of languages including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh and Esperanto. Tammet is creating a new language called Mänti. Tammet is capable of learning new languages very quickly. To prove this for the Channel Five documentary, Tammet was challenged to learn Icelandic in one week. Seven days later he appeared on Icelandic television conversing in Icelandic, with his Icelandic language instructor saying it was "not human."

The Boy with Sonar Vision (Ben Underwood)

Ben Underwoodtaught is blind, both of his eyes were removed (cancer) when he was 3. Yet, he plays basketball, rides on a bicycle, and lives a quite normal life. He taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. With no guide-dogs, he doesn't even need hands: he uses sound. Ben makes a short click sound that bounces back from objects. Amazingly, his ears pick up the ecos to let him know where the objects are. He's the only person in the world who sees using nothing but eco location, like a sonar or a dolphin. 

The Magnetic Man (Liew Thow Lin)

Liew Thow Lin, a 70-year-old retired contractor in Malaysia, recently made news for pulling a car twenty meters along a level surface by means of an iron chain hooked to an iron plate on his midriff. He says that he discovered he had the amazing ability to make objects stick "magnetically" to his skin, and now he's added car-pulling to his repertoire. After reading an article about a family in Taiwan who possessed such power, he says he took several iron objects and put them on his abdomen, and to his surprise, all the objects including an iron, stuck on his skin and didn't fall down. Since this "gift'' is also present in three of his sons and two grandchildren, he figures it's hereditary.

The Lion Whisperer (Kevin Richardson)

Animal behaviourist Kevin Richardson says he relies on instinct to win the hearts and form an intimate bond with the big cats. He can spend the night curled up with them without the slightest fear of being attacked. His magic works not only work for lions but other animals such as cheetahs, leopards and even hyenas do not hold a threat against him. Lions are his favourites and its a wonder how he can play, carress, cuddle with them whose teeth are sharp enough to bite through thick steel. Its a dangerous job but to Kevin, its more of a passion for him. 

The Eye-Popping Man (Claudio Pinto)

Claudio Pinto can pop both of his eyes 4 cm (about 1 and a half inch) or 95% out of their sockets. He's now aiming (poppin'?) for a world record. Mr Pinto has undergone various tests and doctors say they have never seen or heard of a person who can pop the eyes as much as him. Mr Pinto, from Belo Horizonte, said: "It is a pretty easy way to make money. "I can pop my eyes out four centimetres each, it is a gift from God, I feel blessed." 

The Torture King (Tim Cridland)

Tim Cridland doesn't seem to feel pain like the rest of people. He astounded everyone by pushing needles into his arms without flinching and he now performs a terrifying act for audiences all over America. Scientific tests have shown that Tim can tolerate much higher levels of pain than are humanly possible. He explains that, by using mind over matter, he is able to push skewers through his body and put up with extreme heat and cold unharmed - but to do this safely he has extensively studied human anatomy, because puncturing an artery could be fatal. 

The Rubberboy (Daniel Browning Smith)

Five time Guiness Record holder, The Rubberboy is the most flexible man alive and the most famous contortionist. He has been in many professional basketball or baseball games and on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, ESPN's Sports Center, Oprah Winfrey, Ripley's Believe It or Not, Cirque du Soleil, Best Damn Sports Show Period, The Discovery Channel, Men in Black 2, HBO's Carnivale, and CSI: NY and American got a talent. He dislocates his arms to crawl through an unstrung tennis racquet. He performs contortion handstands and unique acrobatics.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Scientist say they've found evidence of 'God particle'

The head of the world's biggest atom smasher says they
 have discovered a new particle that is consistent with the
 long-sought Higgs boson known popularly as the “God particle,”
which is believed to give all matter in the universe size and shape

for more info

Wednesday 27 June 2012


I know we all have someone or people we love and care about, have you told them? For instance, if that person dies all we would wish for is seeing them again and telling them how we love them and also spending time with them. If you are waiting for the perfect time to do that, then you’ll have to wait really long, take the moment and make it perfect. Have you thought about being a better brother to your sister? Or being a better sister to your brother? You never know how much they need you, how much they need your love and care.

Parents, if someone asks your child what they admire about you, what will they say? How many of your children will want to be like you? How much love do you show your children? It’s not about buying them presents like a PS3 or an Xbox for the boys or buying a Barbie box for your daughter…it’s not even about paying their school fees. They need your love, show it to them in every way you can. Telling your child your love him/her isn’t awkward, tell them that. You just have few years to influence your kids, how you do that matters a lot.

What kind of child have you being to your parents? They struggle so hard to provide your needs, do you even obey and respect them? Do they even know you love them? You may be wishing you were staying alone without your parents or wishing they were out of your life. But a time will come when you’ll be willing to give anything just to see them but it’ll be too late to do that. Just as they say ‘’too late to cry when the head is already cut off’’. Love and obey your parents like they would be gone the next minute.
There’s something called death and it doesn’t look at your age or your beauty, it just comes and it takes. You never know when. Spend quality time with the people you love and care about in any way you can, and let them know you love them because LOVE IS THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL.

Sunday 24 June 2012


A japanese research team has created a technology that could 
eventually display images from your dreams and also view area of 
high brain activities.The technology works by capturing the electrical 
signals that are sent from the eye’s retina to the brain’s visual cortex.

For the experiment the team first figured out people’s individual brain patterns
by showing them some 400 different still images and then showed the people the six 
letters in the word “neuron”. They then succeeded in reconstructing the letters on 
a computer screen by measuring their brain activity.

For a video, check out this site:


Saturday 23 June 2012



                LET THE GAME BEGIN!!!

I saw your face, but i had to accept it with a good embrace...


A bomb exploded at the popular Crystal Lounge in the Wuse II district of 

Abuja with foreigners and wealthy Nigerians on friday 22nd june, 2012. 
According to eyewitnesses, a man entered a crowded food court, planted the bomb 
and then ran away.
 No casualties recorded but five cars were destroyed in the attack, 
but the blast shattered windows in nearby buildings and damaged six cars.

Boko Haram, which is loosely modeled on the Afghan Taliban, 
wants to carve out an Islamic state in northern Nigeria and is seen as the country's biggest security threat.



ASSUMING! "You saw a shoe for $97. You didn’t have the cash, so you borrowed $50 from your mum and $50 from your dad making $100. You bought the shirt, and had $3 remaining. You gave your dad $1 and your mum $1 and kept the other $1 for yourself. Now you owe your mum $49 and your dad $49. 49+49 = 98 + your $1 = 99. 

Where is the other $1???"

Friday 22 June 2012


1) Smokers have 10 times more wrinkles than non-smokers
2) The average child recognises over 200 company logos by the time he enters first grade.
3) An ostrich is the only bird which has a urinary bladder.
4) 1 drop of used motor oil can pollute 25 litres of water.
5) Sagauro cactus can grow up to 20m high and live up to 300 years.
6) There is a spider in brazil whose bite can cause an erection to last for hours.
7) There is enough fuel in a full tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car
     four times around the world.
8) Mosquito repellents don't repel. They technically hide you. The spray blocks
    the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
9) A person will create enough saliva to fill two average sizze swimming pool durings his lifetime.
10) A portion of water you drink has already been drunk by someon else, maybe several times over.
11) Continuous farting for six years and nine months would create energy equal to that of an atomic bomb.
12) 3 most common lies on the internet; a) I have read and agreed to the terms of service, b) status: Offline
     c) Yes, I am over 18years old.
13) The average cell phone contains more bacteria than a toilet seat.
14) You see your nose at all times, but your brain just chooses to ignore it.
15) 90% of people wet the tooth brush after they apply tooth paste.
16) It would take about 1000years to watch every video on youtube.
17) For a very short period of time, you were the youngest in the world.
18) About 300million pictures are uploaded on facebook every year.
19) If you yelled for 8 years, 7months and 6days, you would have produce enough sound energy to heat
     on cup of coffee.
20) Laughing is the best way to relieve stress.


Severe fighting, killings and burnings continues in parts of Kaduna as
non-Muslims in these areas fight back despite the a curfew imposed over the entire state.As
 the battle increased, traped residents who were unable to leave their homes because of the curfew cried out
saying they were running out of food, water and medicine
The  violence was in retaliation to the killings of Hausa muslims and the destruction of
their property by Christian youths in Kaduna after Islamist militants bombed two churches in Zaria
 and one in Kaduna on sunday 17th june, 2012 killing 17 and injuring several others.
In Bardarawa, north of Kaduna, fighting blewup between Muslims and non-muslims yesterday.
As a result, hospitals receive more corpse and injured personnels.
A new pan-Yoruba group, Apapo Oodua Koya, (AOKOYA) said today that it has “trusted” information that Boko Haram, the dreaded extremist Islamic group, is likely to attack Lagos and Ibadan in the next few days or in the month of July

Thursday 21 June 2012


1) Ants have been living for about 100million years, and can be found almost anywhere on earth,
    with about 20,00 differens species.
2) Soldier ants use their heads to plug the entrances to their nests and keep intruders from gaining access.
3) Ants do not have longs
4) Some ants defend plants in exchange for shelter.
5) Ants can carry things 50times their weights.
6) The mass of ants on earth is roughly equal to the mass of humans.
7)  Ants communicate by touching each other with their antennae.
8) Ants also use chemicals called pheromones to leave scent trails for other ants to follow. (Technically,
    you can't kidnap any ants, they'll hunt you.....kidding!!!).
9) Army ants don't have homes, they are like herds, moving around in search of food.
10) A large ant can move at about 300meters per hour, and an inch in 2seconds
11) No matter how tall a height it, an ant falling from it will not hurt it.
12) Ants sometimes herd or tend to insects of other species.
                   BIG HEARTS.....LEARN FROM THEM!!!


1)  The brain is approximately 75% water, but you should never drink it.
2)  Reading out loud to kids accelerates their brain development.
3)  The slowest speed information passes around your brain is approximately 260 mph.
4)  Your brain has the capacity to store everything you experience in your life.
      The issue is recalling them.
5)  The brain doesnt feel pain. Even though it preocesses pain signals, it does not feel the pain.
6)  The brain is more active at night
7)  Speaking of large numbers, there are approximately 1.1 trillion cells and
     100 billion neurons in the average human brain.
8)  Your peripheral vision improves at night which is why pilots are
     taught to use their peripheral vision when looking for traffic.
9)  The brain controls every activity in the body, if we could do those activities voluntarily,
      we could heal ourselves faster, and also superstrength(adrenaline).
10)The brain stops growing at age 18
11) The brain uses 20% of oxygen in the body.
12) If the brain looses blood for 8-10seconds, you loose conciousness
13) 5minutes after a dream, half of the dream is forgotten, 10minutes after 90% of the dream is forgotten.
14) The brain is the most energy consuming part of the body
15) The brain generates about 25watts of power while you are awake...enough to light a bulb
16) A living brain is so soft, you could cut it with butter.
17) Human brain contains 400miles of blood cells
18) Studies indicate that human feelings originate from the brain
19) Each time you have a new though or memory, a new connection is made between two or more neurons.
20) Albert Einstein's brain was similar in size to a normal brain except the region
      responsible for math and spatial perception, it was 35% wider.


1) Learn to do some stretching when you wake up. It boost circulation and digestion.
2) Don't skip breakfast: Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight.
3) Brush your teeth well: Not brushing your teeth well can cause damage to teeth and gums as not brushing
    at all.
4) Get spiritual. A study conducted by the formidably sober and scientific Harvard University found that 
    patients who were prayed for recovered quicker than those who weren’t, even if they weren’t aware of
    the prayer.
5) Take enough vitamin C
6) Take enough pure water
7) Burn fats at intervals
8) Laugh, cry and smile
9) Quit smoking
10) Walk for health
11) Don't take too much junk
12) Learn to relax
14) Have good rest
15) Eat more vegetables
16) Take less of fruit juice and eat more or fruits.

Multiple bomb attacks in Kaduna which kills 34 people and injures more than 175 people. Officials said at least 16 people died and dozens were injured in the blasts. Some 20 or more people were killed after the rioting after the bomb blast. Kaduna State authorities have imposed a 24hour curfew as soldiers and police try to restore order. There is now a threat rumor that there are going to be 300 hundred church bomb blast in Jos, starting from this week.Regular attacks on Sunday church services are usually claimed by Boko Haram, which says it is fighting to reinstate an ancient Islamic caliphate that would adhere to strict sharia, or Islamic lawBE ALERT...I think all this bomb blast are going to continue as far as boko haram is concerned. Does that mean we shouldn't go to church? How long will this continue?

Wednesday 20 June 2012

My test

Not preparing for a test and knowing I was going to fail, that was the moment my teacher decided to call our scores as he gave out our scripts...fortunately, almost everyone passed but i dint do well. It was so awkward going back to my sit after collecting my script and everyone knowing i failed. In other words, passed in reverse.